Choosing Happy: My Tips for a Happy Life - Ashley & Emily
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Choosing Happy: My Tips for a Happy Life

choosing happy

Happiness is such an interesting topic to me. Because so many people fake it, and I could go on an entire social media tangent — because it’s been rough out there this last week, but I won’t. Instead, I want to focus on the positive, and share my tips for staying happy. Happiness is such a personal thing, and I am no psychologist or expert. But these are the things that work for me.

Choosing Happy:

  1. EXERCISE. Whenever someone tells me they have anxiety, my first question is always, “did you work out?” I had one of the worst days at work last Friday — I’m talking sobbing crying for hours bad. And I don’t cry at work, ever. But I went and took a class and it was like that day never happened. For me my workouts are my only hour without my phone, and the only time I really get to see my friends lately. That being said, finding a fitness community, and a fun environment are crucial to keeping me accountable and making sure I go every day.
  2. Surround yourself with positive people. This one is so important. My life has changed a lot since we started the blog. Like, a lot. And with that, friendships change. Sometimes that’s hard to accept. But I’ve found that my attitude stays positive when I surround myself with people who believe in me and have the same types of goals.
  3. Stand up for what you believe in. Especially recently, I’ve found myself biting my tongue a lot. But that’s not me. Since we started this blog I became much more cognizant about speaking my mind, as sometimes my opinions are the unpopular one. I recently hit a breaking point where I just couldn’t keep quiet any longer. Saying what’s on my mind has always been the core of my personality. And it felt so good to get back there.
  4. Be grateful. Above all else, be grateful for your life. It’s easy to get so caught up and complain and whine. Trust me, I am so guilty of this But it’s nice to take a step back and make a list of things you’re really thankful for. This is an easy way to turn a bad day around.
  5. Call your mom every day. Or whatever family member you’re close to.  My family keeps me grounded. And since I can’t see them often, I call every day.

Bonus tip from Paul Wright, my friend and trainer: “Focus on what you can control, don’t worry about the things you can’t change. Stay focused on your own life, your happiness, your goals, your intentions, and your change. People around you will recognize the good ass vibes.”


He is so right!

Thanks to everyone who made this shoot happen! Workout by Paul Wright,  braids by Tay C Styles, and photos by Jenna Lynn Photography

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