Salty Hair, Who Cares? - Ashley & Emily
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Salty Hair, Who Cares?


Salty Hair, Who Cares?

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Top: Amuse Society
Skirt: old, similar here and here.
Flip Flops: Old Navy. Sunnies: Crush, on sale!
Bag: Louis Vuitton. 
First of all, Happy April! I cannot believe that March is already over. In honor of my Spring Break next week, I decided this post would be perfect. This shirt is honestly the best. First of all, the words on the shirt are on point: next week I will be entirely care free and that is the best feeling ever. The Amuse Society brand is becoming a quick favorite of mine. This shirt is so soft, and I seriously wear it everywhere. It’s so soft and comfortable. 
Although I am not going anywhere for Spring Break, my parents are coming to visit and we are going to have a little staycation. Next Tuesday, all my dreams are coming true. We are going to see FLEETWOOD MAC! When I was younger I would sit in the backseat of our Jeep with my sister just belting out the lyrics to “Go Your Own Way” and “Rihannon.” I’ve been lucky enough to see Stevie Nicks a few times (once with Rod Stewart… talk about bucket list). But this will be my first time seeing the entire band together. In the mean time, I am on the hunt for the most perfect gypsy outfit to wear for the occasion, so stay tuned for that.

I apologize for the short post, my boyfriend and I were in a small fender-bender on Sunday so my week has been full of doctors appointments, talking to insurance companies, and resting with my ice packs and heating pads. 

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